Griddle Guard 28" Hard Cover Review by Rashley's BorderQue

Griddle Guard 28

Every now and then we stumble on to a YouTube Channel that catches our attention. Whether that be from a sheer entertainment standpoint, or because, well, we’re just tickled they are talking about our Griddle Guard!

That’s exactly what happened when we stumbled onto the Rashleys BorderQue YouTube Channel. Rashley, a Texan native, loves to cook on a griddle and share his southern Texas-style on the griddle with his subscribers. 

 Rashley lives near the border of Texas and Mexico and has affectionately given his channel the name of Rashleys “BorderQue” a clever take on classic Texas BBQ and life near the border. 

 We were so fond of Rashleys cooking and friendly Texas demeanor, we figured we would step up his griddle game with one of our flagship Griddle Guards.

 As you can guess, we were thrilled to see his unboxing and thoughts of the Griddle Guard for his Blackstone 28-inch Griddle. 

 So, kick back, and let’s talk shop all things Griddle Guard!


Why Use a Griddle Guard?

 Griddles, specifically many of the Blackstone models, do not come with a lid or hood. When you leave your griddle outside for any amount of time, you can expect to see some rusting. 

 Also, between weather, debris, and potentially rodents, and grease splatter, having a Griddle Guard to protect your cooking surface just makes sense. 

 Recently, Rashley had to completely re-finish his griddle top because water has seeped under the softcover and rusted his griddle surface. Times like that are the very reason we started our company in the first place. 

 Seeing this inspired us to send Rashley a complimentary Griddle Guard to help protect his South Texas griddle cooking. 

 Having the Griddle Guard should allow Rashley to keep his new and improved seasoning in place without the fear of a new rust bucket. 

We think his wife might be happy too, as recently Rashley shared his experience of grease splatter on his home’s outer wall and, according to Rashley, Mrs. BorderQue was NOT happy. 


Hopefully, made life a little easier for both of them. Ok, on to the review!


Unboxing and Assembly

griddle guard hard cover review

Upon opening the box, Rashley shows the Griddle Guard and wooden handle with metal braces, along with the associated mounting hardware. 

hard cover lid blackstone 28 griddle rashleys borderque

Installing the handle was a breeze for Rashley, only requiring a hex wrench and 7/16 socket, although you could also use a crescent or box wrench if you lack the needed socket. 


All in all, setting this up took him about 5 minutes, start to finish from the time he cracked open the box. 


Griddle Guard Fit and Appearance

 As Rashley pointed out in his review, holding the Griddle Guard compliments the cooking experience. It’s light enough to manipulate with one hand while flipping a Smashburger with the other hand, yet, feels extremely durable. 

hard cover for blackstone 28 inch griddle


Rashley sets the Griddle Guard right into place by simply setting the Griddle Guard on top of the Blackstone. 

 Seemingly happy with the fit, Rashley points out how it’s loose enough that it can be placed into position without much finessing but also secure enough it’s not going to slide all over the top of your griddle.

 One thing Rashley really liked was the fact that they engineered the Griddle Guard to hang in a position when cooking that it also doubles as a grease splash guard, protecting the siding of your house (and protecting him from Mrs. BorderQue!).

Overall, we love the work Rashley is doing on his YouTube Channel and you should check it out as well and send a little #griddlenation love his way.

 Check out the full video review here: